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  • Trump Stands Firm: No Cuts to Social Security, Despite Criticism

Trump Stands Firm: No Cuts to Social Security, Despite Criticism

Payam Javan: The escalating concern over Social Security’s mounting unfunded liabilities has prompted discussions among politicians regarding its sustainability. Former President Donald Trump, addressing the issue, highlighted the urgency of addressing mismanagement and fraud within the program to alleviate its financial strain. Trump adamantly pledged not to reduce Social Security benefits, asserting that any necessary budget cuts would be directed elsewhere to safeguard the program.

In response to criticism stemming from his remarks on CNBC, Trump reaffirmed his commitment to protecting Social Security benefits during an interview with Breitbart News. Despite accusations from figures like Whoopi Goldberg and President Joe Biden, who suggested Trump was considering benefit cuts, Trump’s campaign maintained that his focus was on eliminating waste within the program rather than reducing benefits for seniors.

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