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  • Unanswered Questions: Whistleblower’s Death Casts Shadow Over Boeing

Unanswered Questions: Whistleblower’s Death Casts Shadow Over Boeing

Payam Javan: Former Boeing quality inspector John Barnett, known for exposing safety concerns within the company, has been found dead at the age of 62 in Charleston, South Carolina.

Officials suggest his death resulted from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Barnett, who spent over three decades at Boeing, raised alarms about severe safety lapses, which his family believes may have contributed to his demise. They cite a toxic work environment and the company’s alleged prioritization of profits over safety.

Barnett’s whistleblowing efforts included concerns about metal shavings potentially compromising flight controls in Boeing’s Dreamliners. Despite his retirement in 2017, Barnett pursued legal action against Boeing, claiming retaliation for his disclosures. His family lamented his passing, expressing his anticipation for a trial that could prompt cultural changes at Boeing.

Barnett’s death emerges amid heightened scrutiny of Boeing’s safety practices, coinciding with recent incidents involving Boeing aircraft.

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