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  • Treasury Department Announces New Measures Against Hamas

Treasury Department Announces New Measures Against Hamas

Payam Javan: The United States, in coordination with the United Kingdom, has imposed a third round of sanctions on a group of Hamas terrorists, members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and a Lebanese money exchange service.

These measures are a response to the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on Israel. The sanctions aim to block access to U.S. property and bank accounts, preventing targeted individuals and companies from doing business with Americans.

The Treasury Department emphasizes that these sanctions, along with two previous rounds, are intended to protect the international financial system from abuse by Hamas terrorists and their enablers.

Additionally, the State Department is designating a Palestinian Islamic Jihad military leader for diplomatic sanctions. The U.S. has also conducted strikes on Iranian-tied weapons depots in Syria in retaliation for attacks on U.S. bases by terrorist groups.

Biden and other officials have expressed support for Israel, but efforts to de-escalate tensions face challenges. The U.K. has also imposed sanctions targeting Hamas leaders.

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