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  • Second Wave of Israeli Hostages Expected to be Freed by Hamas

Second Wave of Israeli Hostages Expected to be Freed by Hamas

Payam Javan: In a continued effort to implement a four-day truce, Hamas is set to release a second group of Israelis on Saturday.

The exchange involves 50 hostages for Palestinian prisoners, and so far, 24 hostages, including Israelis, Thai farm workers, and a Filipino, have already been freed.

Egyptian authorities are awaiting details on the release of 14 Israeli women and children from Hamas. Meanwhile, Israeli security officials are reviewing the situation, and 42 Palestinian detainees are expected to be released as part of the agreement brokered by Qatar.

The truce marks a temporary break in the seven-week war, with emotions running high as families are reunited, but concerns persist for those still held in Gaza.

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