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  • Rising Gas Prices: The Biden Policy Factor

Rising Gas Prices: The Biden Policy Factor

Payam Javan: Gas prices are climbing once again, with futures up 20 percent since the beginning of the year in the U.S. Various factors including scheduled maintenance, unplanned outages, and drone attacks on Russian facilities have been cited as reasons for the spike. However, critics argue that President Biden’s environmental policies and his cancellation of oil and gas leases, particularly in Alaska, have exacerbated the situation.

The Environmental Protection Agency’s imposition of additional regulations on the industry has further contributed to the problem. Despite these concerns, mainstream media outlets like CNN have downplayed the impact of Biden’s policies, attributing the rise in gas prices to seasonal fluctuations. While historical trends may partially explain the increase, gas prices remain significantly higher than they were in November 2020, prompting criticism of Biden’s energy strategy.

Critics assert that Biden bears responsibility for the high gas prices, although some media outlets seem reluctant to attribute blame directly to him.

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