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  • Concerns Mount Over Safety of Chinese Study on 100% Lethal COVID-19 Mutant

Concerns Mount Over Safety of Chinese Study on 100% Lethal COVID-19 Mutant

Payam Javan: In a study reminiscent of Wuhan, Chinese scientists have conducted experiments involving a highly lethal mutant COVID-19 strain called GX_P2V on “humanized” mice.

The virus, derived from a coronavirus cousin found in Malaysian pangolins in 2017, displayed a 100% mortality rate in the engineered mice within just eight days. The virus affected various organs, including the lungs, bones, eyes, tracheas, and brains.

Critics, including epidemiology expert Francois Balloux, have condemned the research as “terrible” and “scientifically totally pointless,” expressing concerns about biosafety measures. The study, not linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, has raised apprehensions about the potential risks of such experiments.

The origin of COVID-19 remains unclear, with US intelligence agencies finding no direct evidence of a lab leak.

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