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  • Border Inaction: Biden Reluctant to Use Executive Power

Border Inaction: Biden Reluctant to Use Executive Power

Payam Javan: President Joe Biden has indicated that he will not use his executive power to address the pressing issue of illegal immigration and secure the US-Mexico border, despite record numbers of migrants entering the country. Speaking to reporters at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, Biden remained evasive when questioned about his border policy, Israel situation, and troop deployment to the Polish-Russia border. When asked about executive action on the border, Biden expressed his reliance on Congress to address the matter, suggesting that he believes a resolution will emerge organically without executive intervention.

Biden’s response drew attention to the ongoing challenges in Congress, with reporters highlighting the difficulty in reaching bipartisan agreement on border security. While Biden acknowledged the lack of consensus in Congress, he offered little clarity on how he plans to assist in facilitating a resolution, stating only that he is “helping them” without elaborating on specific measures. Additionally, Biden dismissed the need for increased American troops at the Polish border, emphasizing his upcoming meeting with the Polish leader and indicating a willingness to discuss related matters during their conversation. However, details regarding the agenda of the meeting remained sparse, leaving questions unanswered about potential actions regarding border security and troop deployment.

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