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  • Legal Actions Against Trump: Unveiling the Congressional Hush Money Fund

Legal Actions Against Trump: Unveiling the Congressional Hush Money Fund

Payam Javan: Former President Donald Trump is facing legal action from Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg over alleged misreporting of a payment to Stormy Daniels. Bragg claims Trump should have reported the payment as a campaign contribution rather than a legal expense. However, legal experts argue that Trump’s actions, involving personal funds to silence Daniels about an alleged affair, do not constitute a crime. The case highlights a perceived disparity in legal treatment, as Congress faces minimal scrutiny over its own hush money fund.

Reports from 2017 revealed that Congress has a $17 million fund used to settle various claims, including sexual harassment. This fund, managed by the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights, was created in 1995 under the Congressional Accountability Act. Settlements from this fund have been used to cover up misconduct by lawmakers, a practice largely hidden from public view.

Despite outrage and attempts to reform the system, the fund remains operational, continuing to settle claims without full transparency. Critics argue that while Trump is heavily scrutinized for a minor alleged misreporting, congressional members enjoy protection from severe repercussions for their actions, showcasing a double standard in the U.S. justice system.

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