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Bob Graham; Florida Mourns Loss of Leader

Payam Javan: Former Democratic senator and Florida’s 38th governor, Bob Graham, passed away at 87, as announced by his family.

His legacy includes dedication to public service, conservation efforts in the Everglades, support for higher education, and contributions to global understanding. Though details of his passing were not disclosed, Graham had faced health challenges, including a stroke in 2020.

His extensive career spanned local, state, and national roles, from the Florida House of Representatives to the U.S. Senate, where he chaired the Intelligence Committee. As governor, he focused on education, the environment, and signed numerous death warrants. Graham, known for his criticism of the Iraq War and George W. Bush, also sought the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004 but withdrew due to health reasons.

Post-retirement, he dedicated himself to public service through the Bob Graham Center for Public Service.

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