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  • Sen. Katie Britt Joins Growing List of Trump Supporters for 2024 Presidential Run

Sen. Katie Britt Joins Growing List of Trump Supporters for 2024 Presidential Run

Payam Javan: Sen. Katie Britt of Alabama has officially endorsed former President Donald Trump for the 2024 presidential election, citing his proven track record and achievements during his previous term.

In an op-ed published in Yellowhammer News, Britt highlighted Trump’s success in securing the border, achieving peace through strength, and implementing policies that resulted in lower costs for gasoline, eggs, and milk. She praised his domestic and foreign policy accomplishments, including addressing the opioid epidemic, rebuilding the military, combating ISIS, and negotiating the Abraham Accords.

The endorsement comes as Trump maintains a lead in polls among Republican voters, with 63% preferring him as the sole candidate, according to a recent Monmouth University poll. In addition to Sen. Britt, 15 other senators have endorsed Trump’s 2024 bid.

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