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  • Mayor Breed’s Veto Overridden: San Francisco’s Battle Between Housing and Heritage

Mayor Breed’s Veto Overridden: San Francisco’s Battle Between Housing and Heritage

Payam Javan: San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors has overridden Mayor London Breed’s veto on a measure aimed at curbing building in select historic neighborhoods. The move, backed by Supervisor Aaron Peskin, seeks to modify density limits in the Northeast Waterfront Historic District and the Jackson Square Historic District. Peskin argues that the measure will safeguard these areas from the intrusion of massive luxury towers, emphasizing the importance of preserving their unique character. However, not all supervisors are in agreement; District 6 Supervisor Matt Dorsey expressed concerns that the decision might set a precedent for other neighborhoods to claim historical significance, potentially hindering future housing development efforts.

In response, Mayor Breed criticized the override, labeling it a setback in the city’s efforts to address its housing shortage. She emphasized the need for consistent and determined action to tackle the longstanding housing crisis. Breed reiterated her vision for San Francisco as a city that embraces housing initiatives, contrasting with Peskin’s assertion that the measure strikes a balance between promoting housing and preserving neighborhood integrity by restricting the construction of towering structures in designated historic districts.

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