Payam Javan: In the Missouri Republican primary held on August 6, Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe emerged as the frontrunner for the governor’s mansion with 39.4 percent of the vote. His closest competitors, state Senator Bill Eigel and Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, secured 32.5 percent and 23.3 percent of the vote, respectively. Kehoe, who was endorsed by the outgoing Governor Mike Parson, highlighted his extensive experience in state government and campaigned on delivering “commonsense conservative solutions.”
Kehoe’s victory marks a significant advantage heading into the November general election, where he will face Democratic candidate Crystal Quade, who won her primary with 50.2 percent of the vote. Quade, the minority leader of the House, emphasized her commitment to issues such as affordable childcare and healthcare. With the GOP controlling both legislative chambers and the executive branch in Missouri, Kehoe enters the race with substantial support and resources.
Despite Kehoe’s strong showing, the primary revealed some divisions within the Republican Party, which Kehoe acknowledged in his victory speech. Both Eigel and Ashcroft conceded, with Eigel urging his supporters to remain hopeful. Kehoe’s campaign was bolstered by endorsements, organizational backing, and significant fundraising, positioning him as a well-prepared candidate for the upcoming general election against Quade.